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= Contents of Forthcoming Volumes in This Series p.xi
= Transliteration Tables p.xxi
= Prologue p.xxiii
= Introduction p.1
- 1. Armenian Historiography and the Book as an Argument p.1
- 2. Introduction to Volume One p.5
= I/ Factors in the PreIslamic Armenian Condition - Fourth-Seventh Centuries p.13
- 1. East-West Rivalries : Kings, Catholicoi, Naxarars, Common people p.13
- 2. The Cultural Policies and the Legacies of the Fundamental Loyalties of the Classical Age p.18
- 3. Definitions of Armenian Orthodoxy and the Synthetis of Eznik (mid-Fith Century) p.22
  . a The Book of Dissidents or Refutations of Sects (El Acodinc) p.22
  . b The Fundementals of Eznik's Synthetis p.24
- 4. Early Armenian Social-Religious Dissent p.25
  . a The Eustathian Heretics of Sivas - Canons of the Council of Gangra (374) p.26
  . b The Councils of Sahapivan (447-448) and Dvin (554-555) - Messalians, Nestaurians, Paulicians p.33
= II/ Early Arab Campaigns and the Regulations of Relations According to the Medinan Legacy
- 1. Medieval Arminayah between Byzantium and the Islamic World - The Early Period p.43
- 2. A Brief Survey of Sources - Arab and Armenian p.46
- 3. Early Arab Campaigns : Arminayah between Arabs and Byzantines p.51
- 4. Regulation of Islamic-Armenian Relations p.56
  . a The Treaty of Mu'awiyah (652) p.56
  . b The Treaty of Ibn Maslamah (654) p.57
- 5. The Medinan Legacy as Paradigm for Islamic-Armenian Treaties p.58
  . a The 652 Treaty as a Link in the Tradition of Medinah Oath p.58
  . b The Alleged 'Prophet´Oath to the Armenians' and the Jerusalem Connection
= III/ The Umayyad Period and the Reconfirmation of Oaths p.65
- 1. The Early Decades p.66
- 2. Change of Status in 692-93/H73 p.67
- 3. Muhammad Ibn Marwan, the Rebellion of 703 and the Reconfirmation - The "Little Mansur" p.69
- 4. Continuation of the Legacy : "The Convenant of Caliph Umar II to Catholicos Ojneci p.70
- 5. The Later Umayyad Period in Armenia : Dissidence and Heterodoxy as Paradigms of Interactions p.75
= IV/ The Armenians in the Abbāsid World - The paradigms of Borderlands and Dissidence p.81
- 1. The Abbasids and the Persian-Islamic Legacies p.81
- 2. The Abbasid Project of Borderlands p.82
- 3. Armenia under the Abbasids to the Year 862/248H p.85
- 4. The Arab Tribal Emirates in Armenia p.87
- 5. Dissidents Versus Orthodox Politics-Paulicians, Babakians And Tondrakians p.90
  . a Social Unrest in Apahunik and Siywnik in the IXth-Xth Centuries p.90
  . b Paulicians, Tondrakians and Babakians - Paradigm of Near Eastern Dissidence p.91
- 6. Paradigms of Syncretism and the Borderlands : The Paulicians-Muslims Alliance - Digenis Akritis as History p.96
  . a The Paulician-Muslim Alliance -Digenis Akritis : Epic And History p.96
  . b The Paulicians and the Muslim Alliance p.102
  . c Digenis Akritis : Summary and Highlights of the Grottoferrata and Escorial Versions p.106
= V/ Armenian Dynastic Principalities and the "Age of Kingdoms" p.113
- 1. The Bagratunis and the Acrunis p.113
- 2. The Tenth Century : Prosperity and Turmoil p.117
- 3. The Hamdanids in Armenia and North Sham p.121
- 4. The "Crusade" of Tzimiskes And Armenian Settlements p.124
- 5. Basil II, the "Bulgar-Slayer" (976 - 1025) And the Armenians - The Watershed p.129
- 6. The Last Armenian "Kingdoms" p.131
- 7. Reformist-T'ondriakian Episodes - 1000 - 1054/5 p.134
= The Arguments in Volume One p.147
= Bibliography p.155
= Appendix p.181
= Index p.185

