

Letter to inform the British of Spanish origin or Spanish citizens living in Great-Britain
[ Lettre pour informer les Britanniques d'origine espagnole et les Espagnols vivant en Grande-Bretagne

Letter to inform Americans of Spanish origin or Spanish cizens living in the USA
[ Lettre pour informer les Américains d'origine espagnole et les Espagnols vivant aux USA ]

Queridos ciudadanos Británicos de origen Español,
Queridos ciudadanos Españoles residiendo en Gran Bretaña
Queridos amigos,
Sra., Sr.,
Queridos ciudadanos Norteamericanos de origen Español
Queridos ciudadanos Españoles residiendo en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica
Queridos amigos,
Sra., Sr.,

Una propuesta ha sido enviada al Congreso de Diputados del Parlamento Español en Madrid, el cual deberá ser discutido en sesión plenaria, concerniente al tema del reconocimiento del Genocidio Armenio, perpetrado en 1915 por el gobierno de los Jóvenes Turcos en el Imperio Otomano.[* 01]

El reconocimiento de dicha propuesta jugaría un papel significante para el Reino de España; a través del mismo, el Reino de España se encontraría a si mismo libre de la influencia y presión ejercida y promovida por el gobierno de la República de Turquía y su ideología Kemalista.[* 02] Dicha propuesta también seria crucial para la Unión Europea; dado el deseo de Turquía de acceder a una membresía a la Unión Europea, tomando en consideración la política revisionista ejercida por la misma hacia los crímenes cometidos por el Imperio Otomano, siendo la misma Turquía su estado sucesor, podrían ser fácilmente comparados con una Alemania revisionista negando los crímenes cometidos durante el régimen Nazi, entre ellos el Holocausto al pueblo Judío.

Para el pueblo Armenio, la adopción oficial de esta propuesta por el Reino de España jugaría un papel importante en la acción simbólica de brindar paz en honor a la memoria de un millón y medio de personas inocentes, victimas de un crimen que perecieron dejando ningún rastro.[* 03] La población Armenia del Imperio Otomano, desarraigada de su patria ancestral y deportada en vehículos destinados para el ganado, testigo de cientos de miles de familias forzadas a sufrir infinitas marchas y abusos a sus derechos humanos, habiéndolo perdido todo habrían de encontrar su destino final en la basta extensión del desierto Sirio.[* 04]

Hoy, somo testigos de la floreciente amistad entre el pueblo Español y el pueblo Armenio, la misma que se presenta a través de la música que nos brinda la voz del internacionalmente reconocido artista Franco-Armenio Charles Aznavour, su amor por la lengua Española, en la cual ha escrito varias canciones, y numerosos conciertos en el Reino de España. Así también, podemos decir que esta amistad se remonta a tiempos lejanos al nuestro, a tiempos de la lucha contra la ocupación Nazi de Francia, donde el Español Célestino Alfonso pelearía con Misak Manuchian, ambos mártires de la Resistencia.[* 05]

En las relaciones históricas del pueblo Español y el pueblo Armenio, podemos también citar como ejemplos la construcción de la iglesia Santa María de Cádiz in 1670 por un Armenio proveniente de Persia[* 06], y la visita durante del siglo XIII de sacerdotes Armenios provenientes de Venecia a la pequeña comunidad Armenia de Cádiz.[* 07] Más aún, como resultado de esta histórica visita, fue traducida al idioma Armenio de su versión en idioma Español la biografía del Emperador Romano Marco Aurelio.[* 08] Si nos referimos a asuntos políticos, en los comienzos del siglo XII en Roma, el Papa Clemente VIII, informado por la cabeza de la Iglesia Armenia de dicho tiempo, escribió en 1602 al Rey Felipe II de España una carta pidiéndole a su país brindar ayuda al pueblo Armenio Residente en el Imperio Otomano.[* 09]

At the end of the fifteenth century, two years after the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus, we must speak of the Armenian Archbishop of Martiros Erzenga who lived the great adventure. Having toured Europe, he will give a detailed description of Saint Jacques de Compostela. On the way back, as a priest, he boarded with the crew on a ship leaving a port in Basque Country "to browse the universal sea." The Armenian archbishop evokes a voyage of 68 days sailing on the Atlantic Ocean. On the return voyage there was a heavy storm but the ship returned safe in Spain. So to thank God, the crew went to thank to pilgrimage at St. Mary of Guadeloupe. Finally Martiros Erzenga will call his meeting with Queen Isabella of Castile, who will receive him with the crew in 1494 in the Royal Palace of Seville! [* 10]

En en la Edad Media, Cataluña había firmado un tratado de acuerdos con el reino de Armenia Menor en Cilicia, donde el filosofo Raimundo Lulio había ensenado en la universidad local. Subsecuentemente, el Rey de Cataluña contribuyo al pago de rescate para liberar al ultimo Rey del reino Armenio de Cilicia León VI de Armenia, quien había sido tomado preso en Egipto por los Mamelucos.[* 11] De la misma manera, ha existido comercio entre Armenia y Andalucía desde el siglo X.[* 12]

El reconocimiento del Genocidio Armenio por el Reino de España tendría una proyección en el dialogo Cristiano-Musulmán; los Armenios, Cristianos de Medio Oriente, han tenido lazos históricos de dialogo con los Persas y los Árabes desde el nacimiento del Islam. Este dialogo religioso continua hasta hoy.[* 13] Dejando esto en claro, es necesario clarificar; que la tragedia que tuvo lugar en 1915 y consistió en la limpieza étnica de pueblos autóctonos tomó su postura de la ideología Turanista - una concepción racista inconsistente con las enseñanzas del Islam.[* 14]

Hoy el estado Turco con su ideología ultra-nacionalista busca engañar al mundo con una mascara de tolerancia. De esta manera, Turquía bloquea cualquier intento de altruismo religioso que pudiera condenar el Genocidio de 1915.[* 15] El Reino de España no puede convertirse en cómplice silencioso en la negación de tan horrible crimen. Más aún, dicha negación no ayuda al pueblo Turco, el cual ha sufrido del engaño de sus autoridades y la prohibición, censura, y perseguimiento de aquellos que pretenden detener la falta de memoria en la historia Turca.

Por favor, Querida Sra., Querido Sr., asegúrense de informar a sus contactos en España sobre esta propuesta, así podemos lograr que llegue ha oídos de los miembros del Parlamento Español. El Parlamento de Cataluña y del País Vasco ya han reconocido el Genocidio Armenio de 1915.[* 16] Sus amigos o familiares en España tienen la oportunidad de informarse más ampliamente sobre este tema gracias a diversos sitios web creados en América Latina,[* 17] o gracias a sitios web Armenios en Valencia y Barcelona.[* 18] En ellos encontraran datos que explicaran los hechos sucedidos en 1915, así como también el papel de la diplomacia Turca en la negación de este hecho histórico, y el chantaje a nivel mundial que el estado Turco maneja desde su base en Ankara.[* 19] Finalmente, esta carta podría así mismo ser una oportunidad de buscar la unión como ciudades hermanas del lugar de nacimiento de Célestino Alfonso, la ciudad de Ituero de Azaba, con alguna ciudad en la república de Armenia.[* 20]

Esperando no haber interferido con sus quehaceres diarios, le agradezco por su tiempo y su atención.

Sinceramente. Tu primer Nombre y Apellido. (CIUDAD - PAÍS)


Dear British of Spanish origin,
Dear Spanish citizens living in Great-Britain,
Dear friends,
Madam, Sir,
Dear Americans of Spanish origin,
Dear Spanish citizens living in the USA,
Dear friends,
Madam, Sir,

A proposal has been submitted to the Congress of Deputies in the Spanish Parliament of Madrid to be discussed at the plenary session, concerning the the recognition of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated in 1915 by the Young Turk Government of the Ottoman Empire. [* 01]

The recognition of such proposal would play a significant role for the Spanish Kingdom; by means of it, the Spanish Kingdom would found itself free from the influence and pressure of Turkey's denial with its Kemalist ideology. [* 02] Such a commitment is also crucial for the European Union; since Ankara's willingness for a membership to the European Union, taking into consideration its revisionist policy towards the crimes committed in the Ottoman Empire, and Turkey being its successor state, could be compared with a revisionist Germany denying the crimes committed during the Nazi regime, amongst them the Holocaust of the xxxish people.

For the Armenian people, the official adoption of this proposal by the Spanish Kingdom would play a great role in the symbolic burial and remembrance of one and a half million innocent people, victims who perished without leaving a trace. [* 03] The Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire, uprooted from their ancestral land and deported by cattle cars, witnessing hundreds of thousands of families dehumanized by forced marches and abuses to human rights - were to be finally exterminated by the Ottoman Turkish army, perishing without a name or a history in the vast extension of the Syrian dessert.[* 04]

Today, we are witnesses of a flourishing Armenian-Spanish friendship - one of its clear examples being music and arts, presented by the voice of worldwide recognized French-Armenian singer Charles Aznavour, and his love for the Spanish language, in which he has performed, and numerous shows given in Spanish. However, we can say that this friendship goes far beyond current times, to the times of the joint struggle against the Nazi occupation of France where Spanish Celestino Alfonso fought with Missak Manouchian, both martyrs of the Resistance.[* 05]

In the historical relations of Armenians with Spain, we can give as an example the construction of Santa Maria church of Cadiz in 1670 by an Armenian from Persia;[* 06] in the eighteenth century, the small Armenian community of Cadiz received visiting priests from the Armenian monastery in Venice. [* 07] As a result of this historical visit, the biography written in the Spanish language of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius was translated into the Armenian language. [* 08] When talking about politic matters, in the early seventeenth century in Rome, the Pope Clement VIII, being related to the head of the Armenian Church of that time, wrote in 1602 to Philip II of Spain a letter asking his country to give aid to the Armenians living under Ottoman rule.[* 09]

At the end of the fifteenth century, two years after the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus, we must speak of the Armenian Archbishop of Martiros Erzenga who lived the great adventure.
Having toured Europe, he will give a detailed description of Saint Jacques de Compostela. On the way back, as a priest, he boarded with the crew on a ship leaving a port in Basque Country "to browse the universal sea." The Armenian archbishop evokes a voyage of 68 days sailing on the Atlantic Ocean. On the return voyage there was a heavy storm but the ship returned safe in Spain. So to thank God, the crew went to thank to pilgrimage at St. Mary of Guadeloupe. Finally Martiros Erzenga will call he saw Queen Isabella of Castile in Sevilla in 1494 before returning through Andalousia up to Barcelona and then sailing back home to Armenia.[* 10]

In the Middle Ages, Catalonia has signed trade agreements with the Kingdom of Lesser Armenia in Cilicia, where the Catalan philosopher Raymond Lull stayed and taught its medieval university. Subsequently, the King of Catalonia contributed to the payment of ransom to release the last Armenian Cilicia Léon VI de Lusignan, who had been imprisoned in Egypt by the Mamelukes.[* 11] The Arabs had conquered Armenia in the late seventh century. But it knew how to benefit Arab-Islamic science and philosophy, and there have been exchanges between Armenia and Andalusia from the tenth century.[* 12]

Recognition of Armenian Genocide by the Spanish Kingdom will be a projection in Christian-Muslim dialogue: the Armenians, Middle Eastern Christians having a historical experience of dialogue with the Persians and the Arabs since the birth of Islam. This religious dialogue continues today.[* 13] By means of this, we must clarify; that the tragedy which took place in 1915 consisted in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous population taking its stance in the ideology of Turanism - a racist ideology inconsistent with the Islamic teachings.[* 14]

Today the Turkish state with its nationalist ideology and its secularist bureaucracy seeks to deceive the world with a secular veneer. Thus, Ankara blocks any attempt of Muslim religious altruism which could condemn the Genocide of 1915.[* 15] The Spanish Kingdom can not profess cannot become a silent accomplice in the denial of on such an horrific crime. Moreover, it would not help the Turkish people, who has suffered and been banned from stopping the memory leaking its state so openly promotes.

Please, Dear Madam, Dear Sir, be sure to inform your relatives and friends in Spain at stake in this vote so that they may contact their MP at Madrid. Parliaments of Catalonia and of the Basque Country have already recognized the Armenian Genocide of 1915.[* 16] Your relatives or friends in Spain have the opportunity to get informed in Spanish thanks to sites in Latin America,[* 17] or thanks to Armenian sites of Valencia and Barcelona.[* 18] By means of them, the information presented will explain about the Genocide of 1915, the role of Turkish diplomacy in its denial, and the worldwide blackmail the Turkish state manages from Ankara. [* 19] Finally, this letter can also be an opportunity to seek for the formation of a joint between with Celestino Alfonso's birth place or the port of Getharia in the Basque Country and Armenia, through the format of a sister city. [* 20]

Hoping not to have interfered in your busy schedule, I am thanking for your time and your attention.

Sincerely yours.
Your First and Last NAME .

Notes :
*01] - Spanish Parliament Official Web Pages . Congreso de los Diputados : www1 . www2 - -
*02] - The Turkish State mobili
zes Departments and Boards officials, public servants, budgets and consular network for its denialist lobbying and actions. In France, recently we have had an example with The Season of Turkey in France : . Some other known examples of the visible part of the iceberg in the USA : - - -
[*03] - necessary in order to be able to do its mourning : - -
[*04] - sites in French on 1915 :  - - -
*05] - Alfonso CELESTINO : - - Missak Manouchian was the Chief
of Foreigners Group in French Resistance against nazi occupation :
*06] - Eglise Santa Maria de Cadix :
*07] - Prof. A. Aprahamian (Yerevan 1967) pages 205 - Pour le monastère San Lazzaro de Venise :
*08] - Aprahamian, page 206
*09] - Aprahamian, page 204
*10] - - - The manuscript of the journey of the Armenian Archibishop through Europe is at the Bibliothèque natiionale de France in Paris. It was studied by a French armenologist of the XIXth century who published an article in the "Journal asiatique" in 1826 :
[*11] -
12] - thus the judge of Cordoue Ibn Ayzoun el Kali (901-967) was armenian : - Great philosopher Averroès Cordubensis (Ibn Rushd de Cordoue 1126-1198) is evoked in XIV century in Armenian manuscripts then will be translated into Armenian from latin : - Manuscripts of pharmacopeia of Arab-Andalouse Ibn Baytar (1197-1248) will be translated into Armenian :
3] - -
4] - pantouranism which was advocating a great Empire ging from Mediterranee Sea jusqu'en Asie centrale où la race turque serait dominatrice : -
[* 15] - in unspoken the caliphate was abolished by the new Kemalist regime in 1924 to avoid a new caliph who would religiously condemn the crimes that took place during 1915-1923: as the Arabic alphabet was abandoned for the Latin alphabet, so that young Turkish generations can not read what had happened.
* 1
6] - Recognition by the Catalan Parliament February 26, 2010: - Basque Parliament April 20, 2007:
7] - - - - - - -
8] - - - -
* 1
9] - do we have to say that threat of diplomatic and commercial blackmail -trying to set up and trivialize a realpolitik of non-official recognition- are made at every parliamentary debate on the Genocide of 1915. After when recognized, it is always the same pressures and there is no impact to relations between States: it was particularly the case with France which recognized the genocide of 1915 almost ten years ago.